Social Media Coaching & Training

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You’ll receive practical tips for how to use social media for your business. It probably goes without saying, but I’ll never sell my data.
I’ve had the pleasure of teaching thousands of people how to use social media for business. I am most drawn to serve: forward thinking people with a do-it-yourself spirit–like entrepreneurs, non-profits, innovators, artists, and green companies. I also work with banks, law firms and ad agencies that are open to a fresh approach. Someone once described me as a hippie in Talbott’s clothing. I took that as a compliment.

I think about sustainability. A lot. Sustainability from the standpoint of time, resources, energy and spirit as well as its environmental impact. This focus informs my approach to working with clients’ marketing programs – many of them are busy with minimal time to work on marketing, much less to research the “how to’s” of the ever changing social media landscape. Affordability is part of sustainability as well–that’s why I’m very pleased to announce my new coaching subscription. I hate it when a prospect tells me they can’t afford my service; this plan was creating with the budget-conscious marketer in mind.

I relish discovering the opportunities that exist with today’s marketing tools that didn’t exist a short while ago and coaching clients to use these ideas. There has never been a better time for creative people to tell their story at such an affordable price. As millions create content each day to post on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, blogs and elsewhere each day, it is also important to form an idea of why we are posting and considering the audience we serve – always adding value with desirable, needed content rather than overwhelming them with unwelcome intrusion.

The value I provide lies in inspiring others to tell their story, helping them connect to the people who want to hear it, creating sustainable marketing systems and growing their business. I am a coach and co-creator rather than a full service marketing company though I have connections that I would be happy to refer to you.