Remembering Home

[metaslider id=1299] I decided to document all the places I’ve lived over the years with photos. Why? I’m really not sure yet completely, but it has something to do with… Memory. We’ve been visiting a relative in a memory care facility and it...

No Resolutions Except to Grow

I was tempted to make a New Year’s resolution again this year, but I’m not going to. History has shown that shown me that resolutions usually are not all that successful anyway, so what’s the point? I think the more important aspect of this tradition...

You Are a Masterpiece

I attended an amazing Access Bars class with Emily Russell on Saturday at the Lotus Center and am so grateful for the tools I learned.  The first class in Access is The Bars®. We learned the 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily...


I owe today’s post to my mother in law, Rosemary. She is 82 and lives nearby. Today, during a visit, she used the word, “devilment”. I’m not sure I’d ever heard it before, but I knew intuitively what she meant by it. Although I consider...

Permaculture for Social Media: Embrace Cooperation

This post is Part Two in a series I am writing about social principles that reflect permaculture principles.  The artwork below is something I discovered during my research for Part One and I am finding I like it better than the original permaculture principles which...

The Benefits of Gardening in Community

I reserved our community garden plot yesterday at the city park. This will be our fourth year there and as I look out the window at the piles of half snow dotting the downtown yards around us, I think that spring — and gardening — cannot come soon enough....